
SHOUTOUT MIAMI magazine article
August, 2020
August, 2020

Art & Life with Toby Gotesman Schneier
Today we’d like to introduce you to Toby Gotesman Schneier .
Toby Gotesman Schneier, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
Somewhat unbeknownst to me, I have always seen life through a kind of prism of COLOR and SHAPE… It was not my intention to become a painter…. It had never even occurred to me actually…
One day, almost 20 years ago, it just suddenly appeared into my hands…this ability to paint… this “gift”, if you will… To the extent that I now fully understand what it means to be “gifted” with something… It catches you by surprise… It’s a present wrapped in cellophane and tied with a silk ribbon…. The self-taught painting grew into a plan & then ultimately into a “CAUSE”… It became clear to me after only a few years that “tragedy” & “human suffering” were stories that needed to be told in BLAZING & UNABASHED COLOR and that it was my job to do so…
This was more of a visceral concept as opposed to an intellectual one…. Not a decision as much as an occurrence…
And it hit me like a ton of bricks that “Tragedy happens in COLOR”…that blood is RED… that the worst of times happen under cornflower BLUE SKIES, just as the best of times….
Hence, I began to paint the HOLOCAUST… Again, NOT a conscious decision, but rather, a need of sorts….
My family had survived the Concentration Camps… I began to paint allegories…scenes…somehow channeling through me… I often found myself weeping while painting these stories…. FEELING THEM…KNOWING THEM…
I created the Holocaust Collection over a five-year period… I suppose that it was noticed because of my unusual & unabashed use of color with regard to such heinous subject matter…
Over the past 6 months, very much the same thing happened to me when I came across, per chance, the HOMELESS ENCAMPMENT in my new town of Fort Lauderdale… The TRAGEDY of these peoples’ existences…
The colors of their tents…. the beauty of the tropics surrounding them…. The IRONY of this juxtaposition …
A collection of HOMELESS paintings resulted…. I was determined to depict this story… to HELP them in some way… The Mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Dean Trantalis, took notice of the work and invited me to exhibit the HOMELESS paintings at City Hall for all to see… to create AWARENESS…to record the UN-RECORDED…
They are on exhibit there now through the end of November… This collection appears to be leading me somewhere new…. That’s my story encapsulated to date…
Can you give our readers some background on your art?
I think that nobody CHOOSES to paint “Tragedy”… It chooses YOU… I am drawn always into some kind of need to depict “FULL DISCLOSURE”… Pursuing truth is the mission… Sharing it is the goal…
We live in a world filled with HUMAN SUFFERING… In many cases, we are fully capable of aiding in eradicating it…. But we remain silent and uninvolved…. My job appears to be bringing it to the forefront, An “IN YOUR FACE” kind of need to force people into action…
Artists rarely, if ever pursue art for the money. Nonetheless, we all have bills and responsibilities and many aspiring artists are discouraged from pursuing art due to financial reasons. Any advice or thoughts you’d like to share with prospective artists?
It’s ALWAYS a difficult path choosing ART as a full-time job as I do… My advice is to BELIEVE in yourself and in what you are creating… The authenticity will come through the work and will ultimately result in some measure of success… We can hope! lol
What’s the best way for someone to check out your work and provide support?
My website is www.tobygotesmanschneier.com. The online store is on the site…
A significant percentage of the Homeless Collection sales goes directly to UNTITE WAY’s “HOMELESS INTIATIVE” here in South Florida… The Holocaust Collection has been exhibited in galleries, museums, etc. My goal is for the collection to be on permanent exhibit in a public arena…possibly a university… I welcome questions with regard to the acquisition of the works… My email is [email protected]
Contact Info:
Website: www.tobygotesmanschneier.com
Phone: 9172823193
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tobygotesmanschneier/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tschneier
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TobyGotSchneier
Art & Life with Toby Gotesman Schneier
Today we’d like to introduce you to Toby Gotesman Schneier .
Toby Gotesman Schneier, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
Somewhat unbeknownst to me, I have always seen life through a kind of prism of COLOR and SHAPE… It was not my intention to become a painter…. It had never even occurred to me actually…
One day, almost 20 years ago, it just suddenly appeared into my hands…this ability to paint… this “gift”, if you will… To the extent that I now fully understand what it means to be “gifted” with something… It catches you by surprise… It’s a present wrapped in cellophane and tied with a silk ribbon…. The self-taught painting grew into a plan & then ultimately into a “CAUSE”… It became clear to me after only a few years that “tragedy” & “human suffering” were stories that needed to be told in BLAZING & UNABASHED COLOR and that it was my job to do so…
This was more of a visceral concept as opposed to an intellectual one…. Not a decision as much as an occurrence…
And it hit me like a ton of bricks that “Tragedy happens in COLOR”…that blood is RED… that the worst of times happen under cornflower BLUE SKIES, just as the best of times….
Hence, I began to paint the HOLOCAUST… Again, NOT a conscious decision, but rather, a need of sorts….
My family had survived the Concentration Camps… I began to paint allegories…scenes…somehow channeling through me… I often found myself weeping while painting these stories…. FEELING THEM…KNOWING THEM…
I created the Holocaust Collection over a five-year period… I suppose that it was noticed because of my unusual & unabashed use of color with regard to such heinous subject matter…
Over the past 6 months, very much the same thing happened to me when I came across, per chance, the HOMELESS ENCAMPMENT in my new town of Fort Lauderdale… The TRAGEDY of these peoples’ existences…
The colors of their tents…. the beauty of the tropics surrounding them…. The IRONY of this juxtaposition …
A collection of HOMELESS paintings resulted…. I was determined to depict this story… to HELP them in some way… The Mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Dean Trantalis, took notice of the work and invited me to exhibit the HOMELESS paintings at City Hall for all to see… to create AWARENESS…to record the UN-RECORDED…
They are on exhibit there now through the end of November… This collection appears to be leading me somewhere new…. That’s my story encapsulated to date…
Can you give our readers some background on your art?
I think that nobody CHOOSES to paint “Tragedy”… It chooses YOU… I am drawn always into some kind of need to depict “FULL DISCLOSURE”… Pursuing truth is the mission… Sharing it is the goal…
We live in a world filled with HUMAN SUFFERING… In many cases, we are fully capable of aiding in eradicating it…. But we remain silent and uninvolved…. My job appears to be bringing it to the forefront, An “IN YOUR FACE” kind of need to force people into action…
Artists rarely, if ever pursue art for the money. Nonetheless, we all have bills and responsibilities and many aspiring artists are discouraged from pursuing art due to financial reasons. Any advice or thoughts you’d like to share with prospective artists?
It’s ALWAYS a difficult path choosing ART as a full-time job as I do… My advice is to BELIEVE in yourself and in what you are creating… The authenticity will come through the work and will ultimately result in some measure of success… We can hope! lol
What’s the best way for someone to check out your work and provide support?
My website is www.tobygotesmanschneier.com. The online store is on the site…
A significant percentage of the Homeless Collection sales goes directly to UNTITE WAY’s “HOMELESS INTIATIVE” here in South Florida… The Holocaust Collection has been exhibited in galleries, museums, etc. My goal is for the collection to be on permanent exhibit in a public arena…possibly a university… I welcome questions with regard to the acquisition of the works… My email is [email protected]
Contact Info:
Website: www.tobygotesmanschneier.com
Phone: 9172823193
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tobygotesmanschneier/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tschneier
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TobyGotSchneier

Toby Gotesman Schneier
Hosted by The City of Fort Lauderdale
City Hall
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
November, 2018
Toby Gotesman Schneier
Hosted by The City of Fort Lauderdale
City Hall
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
November, 2018
The Jewish Link October 9, 2015
The Jewish Link October 9, 2015

Korean "World Times" October 9,2015
Jewish American Artist Toby Schneier’s Exhibnition
Riverside Gallery 10/8-24th Hackensack NJ
Showing various pieces including “Auschwitz”
Jewish American painter Toby Gotesman Schneier‘s solo exhibition is running from October 8th ~ October 24th at the Riverside Gallery in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Being the daughter of Holocaust survivors, Toby’s acclaimed pieces include “Auschwitz”, a portrait capturing the moment of a Jewish mother and daughter right before getting sent to the concentration camp. Her other notable pieces include “Berlin 1941” and “Mother’s Day”.
The title of the solo exhibition is “Her Umbrella”. Through this show, Toby Gotesman Schneier expresses life’s irony, conflict and dilemma with strong and vibrant use of colors. As an expressionist oil painter the passionate and charismatic character shows through in her vivid primary colors and raw brush strokes.
Toby’s work have been acclaimed and also controversial in the Jewish community for her use of bold colors instead of black and white which were stereotypical of other holocaust pieces.
Riverside Gallery
One Riverside Square Suite 201. Hackensack, NJ 07601
Jewish American Artist Toby Schneier’s Exhibnition
Riverside Gallery 10/8-24th Hackensack NJ
Showing various pieces including “Auschwitz”
Jewish American painter Toby Gotesman Schneier‘s solo exhibition is running from October 8th ~ October 24th at the Riverside Gallery in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Being the daughter of Holocaust survivors, Toby’s acclaimed pieces include “Auschwitz”, a portrait capturing the moment of a Jewish mother and daughter right before getting sent to the concentration camp. Her other notable pieces include “Berlin 1941” and “Mother’s Day”.
The title of the solo exhibition is “Her Umbrella”. Through this show, Toby Gotesman Schneier expresses life’s irony, conflict and dilemma with strong and vibrant use of colors. As an expressionist oil painter the passionate and charismatic character shows through in her vivid primary colors and raw brush strokes.
Toby’s work have been acclaimed and also controversial in the Jewish community for her use of bold colors instead of black and white which were stereotypical of other holocaust pieces.
Riverside Gallery
One Riverside Square Suite 201. Hackensack, NJ 07601

The Jewish Standard May. 2015
“Hiding in Plain View” by Toby Gotesman Schneier.This month’s exhibition at the Waltuch Gallery at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly features an exhibition of mannerist/expressionist oil paintings by Toby Gotesman Schneier. The exhibit, “Enveloped in Quandary,” will be on display through May 28. An opening reception will be Tuesday, May 5, at 6 p.m. For information, call Jessica Spiegel at (201) 408-1426 or go to www.jccotp.org.

אלטמאדיש, אלטפרענקיש און אנטיקן
,דער מאמענט' איז א ניימאדישע און אוואנגארדיסטישע צייטונג מיטן אלטמאדישן יידישן חן און טעם. ס'איז טאקע מיט ממתקים א מחיהדיקע וועלט; אין יאר 2015 עקזיסטירט א יידישע צייטשריפט מיט אזא גרויסן טיראזש! אזוי ווי מ'זאגט היינט-צו-טאג, אז די היינטיקע קעשענע-טעלעפאנען פארמאגן א סך מער קראפט און פונקציאנירן פיל שנעלער פון די ערשטע איבערקאמפוטער אין די 50ער יארן, איז אייער ,מאמענט' נאך גרעסער, שענער און רייכער ווי די פרעסטיזשפולע טאג-צייטונגען, וואס האבן געדינט פארן חורבן די פשוטע פאלקס-מאסן אין מזרח-אייראפע. יא, ס'איז דער אמת מיט אן אלף, אז אפילו אין יענע זיסע יארן, ווען ס'האבן געבליט די גרויסע טאג-בלעטער אין ווארשע און ווילנע, איז קיינמאל ניט דערשינען אזא צייטונג ווי ,דער מאמענט'. די נייע טעכנאלאגיעס דערמעגלעכן אונז ארויסצוגעבן אזא צייטשריפט.
טראץ דעם, וואס מיר זיינען געקומען ניט צו עלינו נאר צו קידוש מכוח דער לויף-צייט פון דער יידישער פרעסע, האבן מיר געשאפן א גרויסארטיקע און איינציקארטיקע פובליקאציע. דאס האבן מיר געטאן על-רגל-אחת מיט א תפלה מיט כונה, א זשמעניע זאלץ און א הייפעלע שמאלץ! ווער וואלט אמאל געאנט, אז אין 2010 זאל אויפקומען א יידישע צייטונג (און אין אינטערנעט נאך!) און אז אזא זשורנאל זאל האבן אזא
,דער מאמענט' איז א ניימאדישע און אוואנגארדיסטישע צייטונג מיטן אלטמאדישן יידישן חן און טעם. ס'איז טאקע מיט ממתקים א מחיהדיקע וועלט; אין יאר 2015 עקזיסטירט א יידישע צייטשריפט מיט אזא גרויסן טיראזש! אזוי ווי מ'זאגט היינט-צו-טאג, אז די היינטיקע קעשענע-טעלעפאנען פארמאגן א סך מער קראפט און פונקציאנירן פיל שנעלער פון די ערשטע איבערקאמפוטער אין די 50ער יארן, איז אייער ,מאמענט' נאך גרעסער, שענער און רייכער ווי די פרעסטיזשפולע טאג-צייטונגען, וואס האבן געדינט פארן חורבן די פשוטע פאלקס-מאסן אין מזרח-אייראפע. יא, ס'איז דער אמת מיט אן אלף, אז אפילו אין יענע זיסע יארן, ווען ס'האבן געבליט די גרויסע טאג-בלעטער אין ווארשע און ווילנע, איז קיינמאל ניט דערשינען אזא צייטונג ווי ,דער מאמענט'. די נייע טעכנאלאגיעס דערמעגלעכן אונז ארויסצוגעבן אזא צייטשריפט.
טראץ דעם, וואס מיר זיינען געקומען ניט צו עלינו נאר צו קידוש מכוח דער לויף-צייט פון דער יידישער פרעסע, האבן מיר געשאפן א גרויסארטיקע און איינציקארטיקע פובליקאציע. דאס האבן מיר געטאן על-רגל-אחת מיט א תפלה מיט כונה, א זשמעניע זאלץ און א הייפעלע שמאלץ! ווער וואלט אמאל געאנט, אז אין 2010 זאל אויפקומען א יידישע צייטונג (און אין אינטערנעט נאך!) און אז אזא זשורנאל זאל האבן אזא

The Jewish Week April, 2008
Toby Gotesman Schneier: LEMONS AND RHETORIC
"Schneier's work is reality-based 'mannerism', quite reminiscent of the 'french fauvists', eccentric, bold and eerily nostalgic."
Toby Gotesman Schneier: LEMONS AND RHETORIC
"Schneier's work is reality-based 'mannerism', quite reminiscent of the 'french fauvists', eccentric, bold and eerily nostalgic."
Jewish Week Editorial
"The oil paintings of Toby Gotesman Schneier jar you with their bright colors and flat, frontal weight. That might seem like criticism, but it isn't. The objects she depicts - a duck floating in a pond, peppers in a bowl, delicately stylized urns - demand a style ....." Great Neck Arts Center - 2007
Great Neck Arts Center - 01/2007
Great Neck Record - 02/2007
"The oil-on-canvas paintings on exhibit in “Juxtaposition,” our new exhibit featuring the work of emerging artist, Toby Gotesman Schneier, reveals Ms. Schneier’s playful eye and original take on the items and people she sees every day. Her exuberant playfulness as she revels in the contrasts between objects, especially when they create a poetic or ironic counterpoint of impressions and ideas makes her work interesting and even fun to view. Her sensuous use of color, organic shapes and kinetic line reinforce the overall impression of a newFauvist."hat anchors them down. Otherwise, her topical lightness might pass for a wan sentimentality - now what she's after. There are passing references to Cezanne in her still-life paintings, when her colors are more muted, and a whole lot of Fauvist coloring in the rest."
Phoenix Gallery - 2008
Phoenix Gallery Press Release
This exhibit is humorously and appropriately entitled “LEMONS AND RHETORIC” which will be on view at the Phoenix Gallery from September 3-27, 2008. Schneier’s work is reality-based ‘mannerism’, quite reminiscent of the ‘french fauvists’, eccentric, bold and eerily nostalgic. One can expect to see the ‘in’ crowd at the opening on September 4th, as Schneier has quite the extensive fan base of ‘glitterati’.
Great Neck Arts Center - 2007
Great Neck Arts Center - 01/2007
Great Neck Record - 02/2007
"The oil-on-canvas paintings on exhibit in “Juxtaposition,” our new exhibit featuring the work of emerging artist, Toby Gotesman Schneier, reveals Ms. Schneier’s playful eye and original take on the items and people she sees every day. Her exuberant playfulness as she revels in the contrasts between objects, especially when they create a poetic or ironic counterpoint of impressions and ideas makes her work interesting and even fun to view. Her sensuous use of color, organic shapes and kinetic line reinforce the overall impression of a Fauvist."
The M Gallery - 2006
"Toby Schneier is the famed co-founder of the Hamptons Synagogue and the New York Synagogue. Toby’s paintings bring meaning and life to the mundane with their complex psychology and juxtaposition."
"The oil paintings of Toby Gotesman Schneier jar you with their bright colors and flat, frontal weight. That might seem like criticism, but it isn't. The objects she depicts - a duck floating in a pond, peppers in a bowl, delicately stylized urns - demand a style ....." Great Neck Arts Center - 2007
Great Neck Arts Center - 01/2007
Great Neck Record - 02/2007
"The oil-on-canvas paintings on exhibit in “Juxtaposition,” our new exhibit featuring the work of emerging artist, Toby Gotesman Schneier, reveals Ms. Schneier’s playful eye and original take on the items and people she sees every day. Her exuberant playfulness as she revels in the contrasts between objects, especially when they create a poetic or ironic counterpoint of impressions and ideas makes her work interesting and even fun to view. Her sensuous use of color, organic shapes and kinetic line reinforce the overall impression of a newFauvist."hat anchors them down. Otherwise, her topical lightness might pass for a wan sentimentality - now what she's after. There are passing references to Cezanne in her still-life paintings, when her colors are more muted, and a whole lot of Fauvist coloring in the rest."
Phoenix Gallery - 2008
Phoenix Gallery Press Release
This exhibit is humorously and appropriately entitled “LEMONS AND RHETORIC” which will be on view at the Phoenix Gallery from September 3-27, 2008. Schneier’s work is reality-based ‘mannerism’, quite reminiscent of the ‘french fauvists’, eccentric, bold and eerily nostalgic. One can expect to see the ‘in’ crowd at the opening on September 4th, as Schneier has quite the extensive fan base of ‘glitterati’.
Great Neck Arts Center - 2007
Great Neck Arts Center - 01/2007
Great Neck Record - 02/2007
"The oil-on-canvas paintings on exhibit in “Juxtaposition,” our new exhibit featuring the work of emerging artist, Toby Gotesman Schneier, reveals Ms. Schneier’s playful eye and original take on the items and people she sees every day. Her exuberant playfulness as she revels in the contrasts between objects, especially when they create a poetic or ironic counterpoint of impressions and ideas makes her work interesting and even fun to view. Her sensuous use of color, organic shapes and kinetic line reinforce the overall impression of a Fauvist."
The M Gallery - 2006
"Toby Schneier is the famed co-founder of the Hamptons Synagogue and the New York Synagogue. Toby’s paintings bring meaning and life to the mundane with their complex psychology and juxtaposition."
The World Bank Gallery, Washington DC - 2005
"Toby Gotesman Schneier paints scenes and still lives filled with color and detail. Her narrative images are based on the world that surrounds us and tend to bring us home. The artist's own reflection in her artwork is the ultimate representation of American life."
"Toby Gotesman Schneier paints scenes and still lives filled with color and detail. Her narrative images are based on the world that surrounds us and tend to bring us home. The artist's own reflection in her artwork is the ultimate representation of American life."